Early Head Start

The Early Head Start program promotes healthy prenatal outcomes and enhances the development of infants and toddlers from 6 weeks old to 3 years old and pregnant women, in order to create a healthy family environment.


This program is offered in two different settings:

  • Early Head Start Center-based: Services are located in child development centers. More than half of Head Start children are enrolled in center-based services, five days per week for at least six hours per day.
  • Early Head Start Home-based: Services are mostly delivered in a family’s own home, along with planned group socialization activities.

Both home- and center-based include educational, developmental, nutritional, mental health and wellness, social and prenatal support services.

Early Head Start Requirements

To enroll in Early Head Start, families must be income eligible by meeting the requirements of the federal poverty guidelines and live within the zip codes we service.


During 2020 and 2021, AVANCE Houston has served 809 students:

  • Early Head Start: 504
  • Childcare Partnership I: 109
  • Childcare Partnership II: 202



Nelva Gutierrez 


ERSEA & PFCE Specialist 

713-812-0033  |  Ext. 1064

Jacqueline A. Dunn


Family Outcomes Specialist 

713-812-0033 | Ext. 1030
